About RHM Hockey Coaching

For those of you in a rush and looking to get a booking on a camp click here. For those with a little more time and want to know a bit more about me and my coaching please read on.

Who am I?

Hockey life started over 30 years ago and it really is life! I was lucky to go to a school with a great PE department and a fantastic hockey teacher/coach. From the start hockey took priority and always comes first. You don’t take a holiday during the season, you never miss a game or practice and for those that are old enough you get married in the off season. My playing career has taken me to several clubs where I’ve enjoyed many years of playing National League and Captaincy of several sides. I’m now very settled at Rugby & E.Warwickshire HC. My greatest honour though is representing England and I continue to strive to do this again and again.

In my coaching life I am now into my 5th year working with Bilton Grange Prep, Rugby School and Bablake where I get to work with some great coaching and amazing teachers. This year has also seen me getting involved with the South Midlands Performance Centre working with the U17 boys. I am also currently undertaking the GB Advanced Coaching Programme which has me developing myself as a coach in so many new and exciting ways.

2022 has seen some big changes with me taking on Warwick HC as men’s 1st team coach, Junior Head coach and Ladies Coach. Along side this a new role for me this year will be a role as Head Coach for the Birmingham Talent Academy.

My coaching started very early as well. Whilst in Sheffield and post University I was involved with both clubs working with Sheffield Ladies 1st Team and Sheffield University Bankers Men’s 1st Team. I currently work with several schools in the Rugby and Coventry area, a couple of clubs, Academy and Performance Centres as well as the one to one sessions and camps.

Hockey has given me so much and I believe that you should give back as much (even umpiring lol).

My philosophy is :- Train hard, play like it’s your last game and enjoy every moment. Hockey is the best thing you’ll ever do.

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